About Us Dr. Mazin Kizy
Dr. Mazin Kizy , DDS
Dr. Mazin Kizy graduated from the University of Michigan in 1994 with an undergraduate bachelor degree in mathematics. He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Detroit Mercy in 1999. Upon graduation, he received the F. B. Vedder award in prosthodontics for his excellence in crowns and bridges.
Throughout his career he has continued to improve his practice by receiving special training in orthodontics. Honing his skills with special appliances, braces and Invisalign has allowed him to affect real change in the lives of his patients, exchanging insecurity for beautiful smiles.
Outside of his dental practice, Mazin enjoys a simple life with his wife and three children. His genuinely caring personality with his family translates into his work, as he is known to spend extra time creating unique treatment plans formulated specially for each patient’s needs and preferences.